Take 5 for Giving

‘Tis the season to be giving. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many people seek out volunteering. Some of us need an extra push to get off the couch and start giving. For those of us, here are 5 reasons to volunteer and 5 ways KindCause can help you give back.

5 Reasons to Give

  • Express Gratitude.

Many people wish they knew how to say thank you for their blessings. Giving back by volunteering is one way to say thanks and to pay it forward.

  • You really can make a difference.

Things are improving in the world. Progress has been made in all 17 of the United Nation’s sustainable development goals, so it is probable for the trend to continue. This improvement in the world confirms that philanthropic efforts will improve things in the world.

  • Giving improves mental health.

Research shows that volunteering has positive psychological effects. In one study, those who volunteered once a month reported better mental health than participants who volunteered infrequently or not at all. In the current mental health decline associated with COVID-19, this benefit of volunteering is especially important.

  • To promote a cause.

Do you wish something was better in your community or the world? You can join with an organization that aligns with that cause. A great place to look for nonprofits is greatnonprofits.org/.

  • Learn new skills.

Nonprofits often train individuals, so they can be successful volunteers. Training results in volunteers gaining new skills. These skills can aid in personal and career development.5 Ways KindCause Can Help You Give

  • Join our Social Media Groups/Pages

KindCause has social media groups and pages that you can join. These groups will help you learn information related to the United Nation’s sustainable development goals.This includes philanthropic efforts such as health and education.

  • Blog

KindCause has a blog that informs readers on the sustainable development goals. Not only do readers learn basic information about the sustainable development goals, but also readers learn how they can advocate for these causes.

  • Become a Kindness Ambassador

KindCause also has remote volunteering opportunities. As a Kindness Ambassador, you can be a member of one of the following volunteer teams: Salesforce- Admin, Salesforce- Developer, Project Management, Social Media, Marketing, Fundraising, Event Planning, Grant Writer, and Administration.

  • Donate to KindCause

By donating to KindCause, you are helping us in our mission to provide our fellow nonprofits with cloud-based technology that helps them grow and expand their audience while keeping expenses low.

Call to Action: Take inspiration from this article. Allow KindCause to help you in your efforts to give in one of the above ways.